Welcome to 3manuek's site!

IT, Databases and other _stuff_.

Disclaimer This is a personal site. All opinions expressed here, do not represent those of my employer. Diario es el lugar donde escribo en español, generalmente cuestiones ajenas a lo técnico, aunque no excluyente.......
Disclaimer This is a personal site. All opinions expressed here, do not represent those of my employer. Welcome to my blog! Here I will post often about: Database internals Database labotatories or PoC Provisioning and Deploying Stateful clusters in Cloud-Native environments Benchmarks Technical Stuff This site is developed with Hugo, using AllInOne theme. In the backend, the site is hosted in Gitlab Pages and the additional infrastructure (such DNS and applications in subdomains) are implemented with Terraform and AWS cloud provider. Gracias Totales Ori AllinOne, cocoa y mdb por el theme. The static site is generated by Hugo and is deployed on Gitlab Pages.......
Introduction Hi fellow visitor! I am Emanuel Calvo, a DataBase Reliability Engineer (DBRE) and large-scale DevOps Engineer. Mastered the Art of doing changes in production cool as a cucumber, probably I can be considered at least a Senior shit or something – it might be one of the reasons they offer me money for. I design reliable, scalable and ready-for-production Database infrastructures for some top-noch companies, based on Open Source Technologies from the ground up. That is, from coding the provisioning and deploy, components integrated in a Continuous Deployment (with Canary support, eg), to highly tweaked environments for performance and complex setups. Other things that I love to do: I’m an experienced hydroponics micro-grower; DWC and NFT are my favorites and I do have both implemented. I’m an amateur musician, the typical string set plus some keyboards. Drawing is also a hobby. Love reading, particularly around polithical, econocomics and social affairs. An active Libertarian working from his basement :) For professional contact, you can send a contact request or message through my LinkedIn Profile or email me at 3manuek [at] 3manuek [dot] com. GitHub and Gitlab profiles. As a previous and unrelated experience, I worked as Officer and had quit as Adjutor Principal after 8 years of serving at Argentina’s Federal Bureau of Prisons (Servicio Penitenciario Federal).......
Refund Policy
For professional contact, you can send a contact request or message through my LinkedIn Profile. The entire amount will be refunded if I can’t manage schedules after accepting a project. I accept payment by milestones, there will be no refund for milestones completed (as agreed by the client). If I can not finish the project within deadline, the client can ask for refund of the current milestone and they can end the contract Source: masnun......
Oak Box
S 👀 N This section is under development, please stand by.......